Eliminate Chronic Pain
Welcome to “A Handful of Hope” where we have heart centered conversations with heart centered people.
Today’s conversation is: “Eliminate Chronic Pain,” featuring Dan Meinerz

We cover:
* The #1 Question you should be asking yourself
* Understanding your energetic imprint
* Recognizing the correlation between your body & how you think of yourself
And much more
About Dan Meinerz
Dan is Fascial Stretch Specialist and initiated Shaman with a background in fitness, energetic work, and personal growth. As a high school and collegiate athlete, he sustained a number of injuries that led him to suffering physical limitations that kept him from staying active in his mid-20’s. Suffering from chronic pain and discomfort at such a young age, he underwent many forms of treatments and therapy, none of which made a significant shift for him until he discovered Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST).
Eliminate Chronic Pain
After experiencing a major break-thru with eliminating pain in his body, a number of synchronicities aligned for Dan that led him to leaving his corporate job in his early 30’s and choosing a career path of health and wellness. As Shamanic Practitioner, he brings an awareness and intention to the mind / body connection as it relates to a holistic approach to healing. Dan states that “At the root of any pain or trauma, there is a story about how and why it shows up in the body. It’s my job to ask my clients questions and discover the source of their pain and discomfort to ultimately get them back to living the life they want for themselves.”
Stay connected with Dan:
Website: www.stretchremedy.com
IG: stretchremedy
Catch up on past conversations as well as see the entire lineup of contributors at the “A Handful of Hope” website:https://jessebrisendine.lpages.co/a-handful-of-hope
Or you can listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/…/102-the…/id1510146999…
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