Read This If You Know Someone Who is Struggling.
If you are struggling, this is for you:
I recently went and visited my high school and spent a few minutes at an important spot on campus.
It’s where I used to eat lunch when I was 14/15 years old. I picked this spot because it was hidden and I did not feel like I deserved to be seen.
There were days I absolutely hated myself
and my daily dialog often consisted of: “you are a horrible person. You are a mistake. You are not deserving of love.” And much more.
I would sit on this bench or the ground beside it, hiding, hoping that none of the other students at school recognized me for the horrible person I saw in myself.
Here’s the real mind f**K of it… as much as I didn’t want to be seen, I deep down desperately WANTED to be seen.
I wanted someone to see me, to let me know that I mattered, and that I was enough.
Getting to come back to this bench filled with love & happiness, was a surreal emotional experience.
I sat here for probably 20 minutes reminiscing and talking with my 14 year old self. I let him know that I see him, I love him, and that it’s all going to be ok.
If you are someone you know is struggling today, remember this:
While it may not seem that way now, there can be a time in the not so distant future where the source of your struggle becomes the source of your greatest strength.