Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my Dad’s birthday. While he may no longer be physically present, I can still feel his presence in my life.
I missed out on a lot with my Dad not just because his life was cut short, but because of my own unwillingness to let go of resentments I was holding onto and to forgive him and myself for not being more capable of communicating our wants, needs, hopes, dreams, fears, etc…
I have worked with a number of clients over the years who share a similar story – it is tragic because life did not have to be that way.
One of my greatest joys professionally is to help people heal relationships with loved ones who are still alive as well as those who have passed.
Life is short. Life is precious. And life is over before you know it.
If I could encourage you to do something, in celebration of my Dad’s birthday, it would be to:
Do your best to love the best you can. To forgive those who you need to forgive. To let go of resentments, hurt feelings, and grudges. To be kind to yourself as well as others. To be grateful for special memories. To choose love above right and wrong. To smile. To be happy. To be present. To choose a life path of fulfillment. To make this moment matter.
The words on this picture are words he shared with me while he was going through treatment for colon cancer.


To this day they remain some of the most important words I have ever heard and one of my most valuable life lessons.
Sending lots of love to you.

Carpe Diem,


One Reply to “Happy Birthday Dad”

  1. Ah relationship with parents (mom/dad) have always been a sore spot for me. I can never relate to those who have wonderful relationship with their parents because I don’t know what that feels like. I did forgive them, and moved on. Great blog Jesse!

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