Day 6
I am sitting in the airport waiting for my delayed airplane as I write this. It amazes me that you can have so many people in one place going to so many different spots in the world – Amsterdam, Texas, New york, Denver, England, Hawaii (me). With all of these people going to so many different places throughout the world I started to think like I was all alone in the big global fishbowl – then, I ran into two people I knew. That completely changed my way of thinking and made me realize that it really is a small world after all.
Today was a quickie – how many licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop. This was a question that had perplexed me since childhood, so I sent out to discover it’s answer. I was astounded, over 230 (video to follow soon).
A friend asked me how does that belong on the list as it does not carry the same weight as say – spending the day blind. And yes he is right to an extent. The goal of the list is to step outside of my comfort zone, to do things and experience things I normally wouldn’t do and have fun at the same time. You would be amazed at the amount of concentration it takes to count off all the tootsie pop licks. So while finally finding the solution to the age old tootsie pop question may not bring about world peace, it sure does put a smile on my face while I figure out what will. 🙂
Carpe Diem,
I haven't been on here in ages…but for my wonderful friend who I absolutely adore, just wanted to give you another follower 🙂 Good luck accomplishing your 1000 goals…I have no doubt you will be able to do it! Hope to see you soon 🙂
P.S. LOVE that you actually figured out how many licks it takes…always been curious about that one myself 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to figure this out! 🙂
Very very cool – smiling I am. When you get to Cape Town – as I'm assuming that features on you list – let me know, keen to help. :>
I am hoping to finish the year in Africa and do the Great White Shark Dive in South Africa 🙂
You may not be out there trying to save the world..but you have put a smile on many faces by doing the tootsie roll pop challenge…you put one on mine as I started reflecting on my childhood days and remembered when I challenged my 13 year old…after about 50 she says.."Mom this is pretty challenging…its too good to concentrate on though." so she looks at me and smiles…"crunch"…she bites into it…LOL
Have a wonderful day.
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We don't know each other but I came across your page on Facebook and it intrigued me so I'm now one of your followers.
But let me tell you, I am so jealous! I want to go cage diving in South Africa so badly (right off the coast by seal island! My best friend (who is going with me) and family got nervous/scared when I said South Africa, thinking my safety was at jeopardy–apparently they don't realize I'm jumping in shark infested waters LOL I'm not that concerned with my safety–because of the crazyness going on over there right now, but to make them comfortable (why IDK since this is something I wanted to do LOL) I've opted to go at the end of this year to Australia instead and cage dive off the great barrier reaf.
But that is definitly on my to-do list. I hope you have an amazing time, I'm so excited for you! =]
Great Jesse, there's sooo much to do in Cape Town that is truly mind-blowing. Thanks for your inspiration – have also started my "Things do do this year".
Flew in a helicopter round Cape Town – did the "two oceans" round Table Mountain thingy – was incredible! Dream fulfilled.
Keep safe
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